“We find that TACT-MAT creates a dynamic method for players to see the game from a different perspective, which helps accelerate their learning.”
Josh Sutcliffe

“TACT-MAT has been the perfect tool to help develop our academy players tactical knowledge. Information often goes in one ear and out the other with younger players. The Tact-Mat allows coaches to question and challenge players on the pictures they are seeing. Having the ability to do this ensures the information being taught, sticks”.
David Ormrod

“Honestly, could not do without it. The TACT-MAT is far superior to a whiteboard, the players can interact with the coach by moving ‘players’ around. I’ve found over the last couple of years, if you bring info learnt from the training field to the mat or vice versa the clarity and development are incredible. I have started using TACT-MAT to make videos and post to the team, due to time constraints at training. Super valuable coaching tool”.